Raumfahrt - Start von SpaceX Falcon 9 with payload Galaxy 33/34



Mission Live Updates

6Oct2022 19:27:45 Eastern
Officially scrubbed
SpaceX have just stated that the Flight computer automatically aborted the launch sequence when a sensor in the helium system on the first stage went out of range.

The next launch attempt will be tomorrow at 7:06pm Eastern.

6Oct2022 19:24:12 Eastern
Countdown clock reset to T-15 minutes
The countdown clock has been wound back to T-15 minutes. Typically with SpaceX Falcon 9 launches there is just a single opportunity to get off the ground once fuelling has started. This should mean that the launch will be scrubbed for the day.

6Oct2022 19:21:27 Eastern
The countdown was stopped just after T-30seconds
The callout "Abort, Launch abort sequence has started" was heard over the countdown net. Awaiting the details of the cause.

6Oct2022 19:19:53 Eastern

6Oct2022 19:19:33 Eastern
LD Go for launch!
The launch director has just called out GO FOR LAUNCH

6Oct2022 19:18:24 Eastern
Falcon 9 nearly ready for launch
All the tanks are at flight levels and the rocket is ready for launch.

6Oct2022 19:17:34 Eastern
Stage 1 fully fuelled
The booster is now fully fuelled.

6Oct2022 19:17:06 Eastern
Strongback is about to retract
The fuel tanks are pressurising to give extra strength to the rocket which will be followed by strongback retraction. This will pull back a few degrees to the pre-launch position. At engine ignition the strongback will rapidly retract.

6Oct2022 19:15:10 Eastern
Stage 1 RP-1 complete
The second of the 4 tanks is now at flight levels. The RP-1 for the first stage has been completed.

6Oct2022 19:14:09 Eastern
Engine chill down started
Small amounts of LOX are being released into the engines to cool the engine and turbo pumps down prior to ignition.

6Oct2022 19:06:14 Eastern
Galaxy 33 and 34 internal power
The two spacecraft have just been transitioned to internal power.

6Oct2022 19:05:29 Eastern
Stage 2 LOX loading underway
The forth tank on the Falcon 9 is now being filled. The second stage liquid oxygen tank is the last to be filled and the last to complete at about 2 minutes before launch.

6Oct2022 19:00:43 Eastern
Stage 2 RP-1 complete
The Loading of the second stage Rocket Propellant 1 is complete.

6Oct2022 18:47:13 Eastern
Falcon 9 on launch pad
Earlier today the media teams set up at launch complex 40. The Falcon 9 was standing erect on the pad awaiting the start of the countdown clock.

6Oct2022 18:45:01 Eastern
The mission today will last 38 minutes
The mission this evening will last 38 minutes and 8 seconds from launch to the deployment of the second communications satellite.

6Oct2022 18:43:44 Eastern
LD: GO For propellant loading and launch
The call out from the Launch Director confirms that all is on track for a lunch at 7:20pm. He has just issued the command to "Go for propellant load and launch".

6Oct2022 18:40:38 Eastern
Waiting for the Poll for fuelling
Today marks the third launch in 36 hours from SpaceX, two on the East Coast and one from Vandenberg in California.

The poll to start fuelling is about to take place at SpaceX launch control center. The launch director will confirm that the range is ready to support the launch then he will poll all the launch teams, weather officer and mission director. Assuming that all report go for launch then he will give permission to start filling the Falcon 9 tanks.

6Oct2022 8:55:28 Eastern
Weather looking fine for tonight
The 45th Weather Squadron are predicting a greater than 90% chance of acceptable conditions during the launch window. The only issue is violation of the Cumulus Cloud Rule.

Oct 7 - Falcon 9 : Galaxy 33/34 Launch site Cape Canaveral AFB, FL
Launch Date Oct 7
From Launch Pad LC-40
Launch Window : 7:06pm Eastern (23:06 GMT)
SpaceX will launch a Falcon 9 rocket from launch complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Base in Florida. The payload for this mission will be twin communications satellites Galaxy 33 and 34 for Intelsat
Quelle: AS
Update: 9.10.2022
Start von SpaceX Falcon 9 with payload Galaxy 33/34
Quelle: SpaceX
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