Raumfahrt - Die UNO hat detaillierte Anweisungen im Falle eines ersten Kontakt mit Außerirdischen entwickelt



Die UNO hat detaillierte Anweisungen im Falle eines ersten Kontakt mit Außerirdischen entwickelt, sagte der russische Kosmonaut Gennady Padalka bei der Beantwortung einer Frage im chinesischen Fernsehen.



The UN has developed detailed instructions in case of a first contact with aliens, Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka said answering a question on Chinese TV.
“The UN and representatives of China have developed detailed instructions in case of the first contact,” Padalka said.
The cosmonaut shared his opinion saying that human beings are not alone in the universe. “Sooner or later we will meet our like-minded brothers,” Padalka added.
A teleconference between Mission Control and the International Space Station marked the launch of China’s Shenzhou-9 spacecraft with three crew members on board, including China’s first female astronaut, 33-year-old Liu Yang, Jing Haipeng and Liu Wang.
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