Raumfahrt - Roscosmos hofft, dass Expeditionen zum Mars auf russischen Raketen abheben werden


Roscosmos hopes expeditions to Mars will lift off on Russian space vehicles

"I’d like to see the liftoff of a future international space mission to the Moon or Mars from Vostochny on a Russian super heavy-duty launch vehicle," Igor Komarov said

Vostochny cosmodrome
MOSCOW,  Director of the Russian state space corporation Roscosmos, Igor Komarov said on Friday he hopes international expeditions of the future will be lifting off towards the Moon and Mars with the aid of Russian super heavy-duty launch vehicles from Vostochny Space Center in the Far East of Russia.
He said it in an interview with Channel One Russia.
"I’d like to see the liftoff of a future international space mission to the Moon or Mars from Vostochny on a Russian super heavy-duty launch vehicle," Komarov said.
He added that the layout the project of the Deep Space Gateway lunar orbit station, an agreement on creating which Russia and the U.S. reached at a congress of astronauts in Australia, was in the phase of development.
Komarov said there was understanding on the part of both Russia and the U.S. they needed to work together.
"I think traditions and joint work at the International Space Station offer reliable groundwork for promoting our relations," Komarov said. "Also, there’s the understanding we’re great space powers and the future of space exploration is contingent on what Russia and the U.S. do.".

Quelle: TASS

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