UFO-Forschung - The Pentagon’s UFO Report -Update-34



UFOs: Pentagon’s UAP Task Force Briefs Canadian Forces


Members of the U.S. Department of Defense UFO Task Force briefed Canadian military officials earlier this year.

The Feb. 22 briefing was led by U.S. Air Force intelligence officers who contributed to the June 2021 headline-grabbing report on recent U.S. military sightings of unidentified airborne phenomena (UAPs). Flying objects and UFOs.

According to documents released on November 14, the February briefing was conducted by “several” members of the Department of Defense’s UAP task force, and 10 Canadians, including personnel from the Royal Canadian Air Force and the Canadian Forces Intelligence Command, were interviewed. Defense officials were present. Responsible for collecting and evaluating military intelligence.


“Officials from [Department of Defence] On February 22, 2022, the UAP Task Force and the National Intelligence Manager for Aviation met with officials from the Canadian Department of Defense and the Canadian Air Forces as part of our ongoing partnership on airspace security to include unidentified airborne phenomena. did. Defense spokeswoman Susan Goff told

The Canadian Department of Defense was unable to provide comment prior to publication.

Conservative defense commentator James Bezan told from Ottawa on Tuesday: “Attempts by Canadian government officials to downplay the data and reports are totally unacceptable.”


Bezan believes Canada should follow the US lead and investigate the UAP.

“The Canadian government should implement a scientific program to identify the origin and intent of the UAP,” explained Bezan MP of Selkirk-Interlake-Eastman, Manitoba. “Conservatives believe the best way to start that process is for governments to adopt a streamlined whole-of-government approach to standardize the collection of reports across numerous departments and contractors. All efforts made to investigate UAPs should be disclosed in a responsible manner.”

Canadian Forces routinely do not investigate sightings of unknown or unexplained phenomena, except in the context of investigating credible threats, potential threats, or potential distress in search and rescue cases. says.

Since 2016, at least four cases appear to meet that criteria.

One February 2022 briefing by US officials was revealed in a Canadian Defense Department response to a question from Conservative MP Larry Maguire on November 14.

Maguire, the Conservative Party representative for Brandon Sulis in southwestern Manitoba, explained lawmakers must ask the federal government to provide written explanations for alleged contacts with U.S. military and intelligence officials regarding the UAP. I was using the accountability mechanism. Global Affairs Canada said it had not been contacted, but the Pentagon acknowledged the February briefing in response to questions on the Sept. 22 order. Similarly, an MP may request information in writing from the government by making a written inquiry. These responses are then submitted to the House of Commons.

The response was signed by Defense Minister Anita Anand’s parliamentary secretary, Cambridge, Ontario. Congressman Brian May.

Member of Parliament Larry Maguire received the following response on November 14th to a question he posed on November 14th regarding the Government of Canada’s contact with U.S. authorities regarding Unidentified Air Phenomenon (UAP): rice field.

An agricultural activist and Member of Parliament since 2013, Maguire is the most vocal advocate for UAP transparency on Parliament Hill. He has sought information from former US officials and has used the work of the Commission to seek answers from the government.

“From the meetings our government has already had with the UAP Task Force, you would think they would have a good idea of ​​where to start and start the process of researching the entire topic,” he said. Maguire, who could not wrote on twitter on tuesday. “If there was ever a problem MP could work on collaboratively, this is it. I hope to encourage people to start writing MPs and collaborate on this.”

again, tweet on tuesdayMaguire revealed that he had asked Canada’s chief scientific adviser to initiate a formal UAP study.

“In fact, my team kept me informed of recent initiatives in the United States on UAP,” said Chief Scientific Advisor Dr. Mona Nemer. Reply by letter dated October 21 Posted on Twitter. “My team will be monitoring the next steps for each of these initiatives.”

The February 2022 UAP Briefing was led by the U.S. Aviation National Intelligence Manager, who is tasked with leading the intelligence community’s efforts to identify, analyze, and integrate intelligence on threats and vulnerabilities in the aviation sector. rice field. This position is currently held by U.S. Air Force Rear Admiral Daniel L. Simpson.

The U.S. Director of National Intelligence Aviation Administration produced the June 2021 UAP Report in collaboration with the UAP Task Force and other parts of the U.S. government and military. The public version of the report, which outlines 143 unexplained U.S. military reports from 2004 to 2021, said the report described “a sudden operation without any discernible means of propulsion. and objects that appeared to move at considerable speeds.

The Department of Defense UAP Task Force was established by the U.S. Department of Defense in August 2020 to “develop a better understanding and gain insight into the nature and origin of UAPs.”

After that, it was reorganized and is now operated as the All-Area Anomaly Resolution Room. Authorities have found no evidence that the UAP is of otherworldly origin, but are trying to find an explanation for some of the sightings.

Ronald Moultrie, the current head of the UAP office, said at a congressional hearing on the UAP in May 2022, “We know that our service members have encountered an unidentified aerial phenomenon. For the first time in over 50 years. “We are open to any conclusions we may encounter.”

NASA has also announced efforts to study UAPs.

Meanwhile, Canadian military personnel have submitted reports for more than 70 years, including the most recent sightings in November 2008 and July 2021. This was followed by a briefing for the staff of Transport Minister Omar Al Ghabra in May 2022.

In Canada, police officers, air traffic controllers and pilots on medical, cargo and passenger flights operated by airlines such as WestJet, Air Canada Express, Porter Airlines and Delta have also filed unusual reports over the last 30 years. I’m here. Most of the time there is little to no official follow up. Transport Canada, which operates the online aviation accident database in which these reports are posted, warned that the reports “contain preliminary, unconfirmed data that is subject to change.” increase.

Quelle: EMiNETRA


UFOs: Pentagon’s UAP Task Force Briefs Canadian Forces

Mitglieder der UFO Task Force des US-Verteidigungsministeriums informierten Anfang dieses Jahres kanadische Militärbeamte.

Das Briefing vom 22. Februar wurde von Geheimdienstoffizieren der US Air Force geleitet, die zu dem schlagzeilenträchtigen Bericht vom Juni 2021 über die jüngsten Sichtungen des US-Militärs von nicht identifizierten luftgestützten Phänomenen (UAPs) beigetragen haben. Flugobjekte und UFOs.

Laut Dokumenten, die am 14. November veröffentlicht wurden, wurde das Februar-Briefing von „mehreren“ Mitgliedern der UAP-Task Force des Verteidigungsministeriums durchgeführt, und 10 Kanadier, darunter Mitarbeiter der Royal Canadian Air Force und des Canadian Forces Intelligence Command, wurden befragt. Beamte des Verteidigungsministeriums waren anwesend. Verantwortlich für das Sammeln und Auswerten militärischer Geheimdienste.

„Beamte des [Verteidigungsministeriums] Am 22. Februar 2022 trafen sich die UAP Task Force und der National Intelligence Manager for Aviation mit Beamten des kanadischen Verteidigungsministeriums und der kanadischen Luftstreitkräfte im Rahmen unserer laufenden Partnerschaft zur Luftraumsicherheit nicht identifizierte Phänomene in der Luft. tat. Verteidigungssprecherin Susan Goff sagte gegenüber

Das kanadische Verteidigungsministerium konnte vor der Veröffentlichung keinen Kommentar abgeben.

Der konservative Verteidigungskommentator James Bezan sagte am Dienstag gegenüber aus Ottawa: „Versuche kanadischer Regierungsbeamter, die Daten und Berichte herunterzuspielen, sind völlig inakzeptabel.“

Bezan glaubt, dass Kanada dem Beispiel der USA folgen und die UAP untersuchen sollte.

„Die kanadische Regierung sollte ein wissenschaftliches Programm durchführen, um den Ursprung und die Absicht des UAP zu identifizieren“, erklärte Bezan MP von Selkirk-Interlake-Eastman, Manitoba. „Konservative glauben, dass der beste Weg, diesen Prozess zu beginnen, darin besteht, dass die Regierungen einen rationalisierten gesamtstaatlichen Ansatz verfolgen, um die Erfassung von Berichten über zahlreiche Abteilungen und Auftragnehmer hinweg zu standardisieren. Alle Bemühungen zur Untersuchung von UAPs sollten auf verantwortungsvolle Weise offengelegt werden.“

Die kanadischen Streitkräfte untersuchen routinemäßig keine Sichtungen unbekannter oder ungeklärter Phänomene, außer im Zusammenhang mit der Untersuchung glaubwürdiger Bedrohungen, potenzieller Bedrohungen oder potenzieller Notlagen in Such- und Rettungsfällen. sagt.

Seit 2016 scheinen mindestens vier Fälle diese Kriterien zu erfüllen.

Ein Briefing von US-Beamten vom Februar 2022 wurde in einer Antwort des kanadischen Verteidigungsministeriums auf eine Frage des konservativen Abgeordneten Larry Maguire vom 14. November enthüllt.

Maguire, der Vertreter der Konservativen Partei für Brandon Sulis im Südwesten von Manitoba, erklärte, der Gesetzgeber müsse die Bundesregierung auffordern, schriftliche Erklärungen für angebliche Kontakte mit US-Militär- und Geheimdienstbeamten in Bezug auf die UAP vorzulegen. Ich habe den Rechenschaftsmechanismus verwendet. Global Affairs Canada sagte, es sei nicht kontaktiert worden, aber das Pentagon bestätigte das Februar-Briefing als Antwort auf Fragen zur Anordnung vom 22. September. Ebenso kann ein Abgeordneter schriftliche Informationen von der Regierung anfordern, indem er eine schriftliche Anfrage stellt. Diese Antworten werden dann dem House of Commons vorgelegt.

Die Antwort wurde vom parlamentarischen Sekretär der Verteidigungsministerin Anita Anand in Cambridge, Ontario, unterzeichnet. Kongressabgeordneter Brian May.

Der Parlamentsabgeordnete Larry Maguire erhielt am 14. November die folgende Antwort auf eine Frage, die er am 14. November zum Kontakt der kanadischen Regierung mit den US-Behörden bezüglich des nicht identifizierten Luftphänomens (UAP): Reisfeld gestellt hatte.

Als Landwirtschaftsaktivist und Parlamentsabgeordneter seit 2013 ist Maguire der lautstärkste Befürworter der UAP-Transparenz auf dem Parliament Hill. Er hat Informationen von ehemaligen US-Beamten eingeholt und die Arbeit der Kommission genutzt, um Antworten von der Regierung zu erhalten.

„Aus den Treffen, die unsere Regierung bereits mit der UAP-Task Force hatte, würde man meinen, sie hätten eine gute Vorstellung davon, wo sie anfangen und den Prozess der Erforschung des gesamten Themas beginnen könnten“, sagte er. Maguire, der am Dienstag nicht auf Twitter schreiben konnte. „Wenn es jemals ein Problem gab, an dem MP gemeinsam arbeiten konnte, dann ist es das. Ich hoffe, die Leute zu ermutigen, mit dem Schreiben von MPs zu beginnen und daran mitzuarbeiten.“

Wieder gab ein Tweet am Dienstag Maguire bekannt, dass er Kanadas leitenden wissenschaftlichen Berater gebeten hatte, eine formelle UAP-Studie zu initiieren.

„Tatsächlich hat mich mein Team über die jüngsten Initiativen in den Vereinigten Staaten zu UAP auf dem Laufenden gehalten“, sagte Chief Scientific Advisor Dr. Mona Nemer. Antwort per Schreiben vom 21. Oktober Gepostet auf Twitter. „Mein Team wird die nächsten Schritte für jede dieser Initiativen überwachen.“

Das UAP-Briefing im Februar 2022 wurde vom U.S. Aviation National Intelligence Manager geleitet, der die Aufgabe hat, die Bemühungen der Geheimdienstgemeinschaft zur Identifizierung, Analyse und Integration von Informationen über Bedrohungen und Schwachstellen im Luftfahrtsektor zu leiten. Reisfeld. Diese Position wird derzeit von Konteradmiral der US Air Force, Daniel L. Simpson, bekleidet.

Der US-Direktor der National Intelligence Aviation Administration hat den UAP-Bericht vom Juni 2021 in Zusammenarbeit mit der UAP Task Force und anderen Teilen der US-Regierung und des US-Militärs erstellt. Die öffentliche Version des Berichts, der 143 ungeklärte US-Militärberichte von 2004 bis 2021 umreißt, sagte, der Bericht beschreibe „eine plötzliche Operation ohne erkennbare Antriebsmittel. und Objekte, die sich mit beträchtlicher Geschwindigkeit zu bewegen schienen.

Die UAP Task Force des US-Verteidigungsministeriums wurde im August 2020 vom US-Verteidigungsministerium eingerichtet, um „ein besseres Verständnis zu entwickeln und Einblicke in die Natur und den Ursprung von UAPs zu gewinnen“.

Danach wurde es neu organisiert und wird nun als All-Area Anomaly Resolution Room betrieben. Die Behörden haben keine Beweise dafür gefunden, dass die UAP aus einer anderen Welt stammen, versuchen jedoch, eine Erklärung für einige der Sichtungen zu finden.

Ronald Moultrie, der derzeitige Leiter des UAP-Büros, sagte bei einer Kongressanhörung zur UAP im Mai 2022: „Wir wissen, dass unsere Servicemitglieder auf ein nicht identifiziertes Luftphänomen gestoßen sind. Zum ersten Mal seit über 50 Jahren. „Wir sind offen für alle Schlussfolgerungen, denen wir begegnen könnten.“

Die NASA hat auch Bemühungen angekündigt, UAPs zu untersuchen.

Mittlerweile haben kanadische Militärangehörige seit mehr als 70 Jahren Berichte vorgelegt, darunter die jüngsten Sichtungen im November 2008 und im Juli 2021. Darauf folgte im Mai 2022 ein Briefing für den Stab von Verkehrsminister Omar Al Ghabra.

In Kanada haben Polizisten, Fluglotsen und Piloten auf Kranken-, Fracht- und Passagierflügen, die von Fluggesellschaften wie WestJet, Air Canada Express, Porter Airlines und Delta durchgeführt werden, in den letzten 30 Jahren ebenfalls ungewöhnliche Berichte eingereicht. Ich bin da. Meistens gibt es wenig bis gar keine offizielle Nachverfolgung. Transport Canada, das die Online-Flugunfalldatenbank betreibt, in der diese Berichte veröffentlicht werden, warnte davor, dass die Berichte „vorläufige, unbestätigte Daten enthalten, die sich ändern können“.

Quelle: EMiNETRA


Members of Pentagon's UFO task force briefed Canadian military officials this year


Members of the Pentagon's UFO task force briefed Canadian military officials earlier this year, a previously unreported meeting that was revealed this week.

The Feb. 22 briefing was led by a U.S. Air Force intelligence officer who contributed to a headline-grabbing June 2021 report on recent American military sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP: the term U.S. authorities use for what are more commonly known as unidentified flying objects and UFOs.

According to a document released on Nov. 14, the February briefing was delivered by "multiple" members of the Pentagon's UAP Task Force and attended by 10 Canadian defence officials, including personnel from the Royal Canadian Air Force and Canadian Forces Intelligence Command, which is responsible for collecting and assessing military intelligence.­

The document provided few other details.

"Officials from the [Department of Defence] UAP Task Force and the National Intelligence Manager for Aviation met with Canadian Department of National Defence and Royal Canadian Air Force officials on Feb. 22, 2022, as part of our continued partnership on airspace security, to include Unidentified Aerial Phenomena," U.S. Department of Defence Spokesperson Susan Gough told 

Canada's Department of National Defence was unable to provide comments ahead of publication.

"It’s clear the American UAP Task Force wants to work with our government," Conservative defence critic James Bezan told on Tuesday from Ottawa. "Any attempts from Government of Canada officials to downplay either the data or the reports would be completely unacceptable."

Bezan believes Canada should be following the United States' lead and investigating UAP. 

"The Canadian government needs to implement a scientific plan to identify the origins and intent of UAP," Bezan, member of Parliament for Selkirk-Interlake-Eastman in Manitoba, explained. "Conservatives believe the best way to start that process is for government to adopt a streamlined, whole-of-government approach to standardize the collection of reports across numerous departments and contractors… All efforts undertaken to investigate UAP should be made public in a responsible manner. "

For its part, the Canadian military routinely states that it does "not typically investigate sightings of unknown or unexplained phenomena outside the context of investigating credible threats, potential threats, or potential distress in the case of search and rescue."

Since 2016, at least four cases appear to have met that criteria.

The single February 2022 briefing from U.S. officials was revealed by Canada's Department of National Defence in a Nov. 14 reply to questions posed by Conservative member of Parliament Larry Maguire.

Maguire, the Conservative representative for Brandon-Souris in southwestern Manitoba, had used an accountability mechanism MPs have to ask the federal government to provide a written account of alleged contacts with U.S. military and intelligence officials on the subject of UAP. While Global Affairs Canada said there had been no contacts, National Defence acknowledged the February briefing in its reply to the Sept. 22 order paper question. Similar to verbal queries during question period in Parliament, order paper questions allow MPs to seek information from the government, but in writing. These responses are then tabled in the House of Commons.

The response was signed by Defence Minister Anita Anand’s parliamentary secretary, Cambridge, Ont. member of Parliament Bryan May.

Unidentified aerial phenomena

An activist farmer and MP since 2013, Maguire is perhaps the most vocal proponent for UAP transparency on Parliament Hill; he has sought information from former U.S. officials and has used his committee work to probe the government for answers.

"From the meetings our government has already had with the UAP Task Force, one would think they have a good idea of where to start and begin the process to investigate the entire topic," Maguire, who was unavailable for comment, wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. "If there was ever an issue that MPs could work on in a collaborative manner, this is it. I hope folks start writing their MPs and encourage them to work together on this."

Also in a Tuesday tweet, Maguire revealed that he has asked Canada's chief science advisor to launch an official UAP study.

"In fact, my team has kept me informed of the recent initiatives in the U.S. on UAPs," Chief Science Advisor Dr. Mona Nemer replied in an Oct. 21 letter posted to Twitter. "My team intends to monitor the next steps in each of these initiatives."

The February 2022 UAP briefing was led by the U.S. National Intelligence Manager for Aviation, who has a mandate to "lead Intelligence Community efforts to identify, analyze, and integrate intelligence on threats and vulnerabilities in the air domain." The position is currently held by U.S. Air Force Major General Daniel L. Simpson.

The U.S. National Intelligence Manager for Aviation's office co-authored the June 2021 UAP report along with the UAP Task Force, and other parts of the U.S. government and military. A publicly-available version of the report outlines 143 unexplained U.S. military reports from 2004 to 2021, which have included objects that appeared to "manoeuver abruptly, or move at considerable speed, without discernable means of propulsion." 

The Pentagon's UAP Task Force was established by the U.S. Department of Defense in August 2020 to "improve its understanding of, and gain insight into, the nature and origins of UAPs."

It has since been reformed, and now operates as the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office. While officials there have found no evidence that UAP have otherworldly origins, they are still working to find explanations for several sightings.

"We know that our service members have encountered unidentified aerial phenomena," Ronald Moultrie, the UAP office's current head, said during a May 2022 Congressional hearing on UAP—the first of its kind in more than 50 years. "We're open to any conclusions that we may encounter."

NASA has also announced efforts to study UAP.

Canadian military personnel meanwhile have been filing reports for more than 70 years, including sightings from as recently as Nov. 2008 and July 2021. previously reported that former Canadian defence minister Harjit Sajjan received a UAP briefing from Canadian defence officials in May 2021, which was followed by a briefing for Transport Minister Omar Alghabra's staff in May 2022.

In Canada, police officersair traffic controllers and pilots on medicalcargo and passenger flights operated by WestJetAir Canada ExpressPorter AirlinesDelta and more have also filed unusual reports over the past three decades. In most cases, there is little to no official follow-up. Transport Canada, which operates the online aviation incident database where these reports are found, cautions that they "contain preliminary, unconfirmed data which can be subject to change." 

This story will be updated.

Quelle: CTV News

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