UFO-Forschung - UFO-Absturz bei Roswell 1947 ? Teil-33


Roswell Slides unveiled: UFO fans left heartbroken by Area 51 'alien' photo unveiling which was 'an epic fail'
Two mysterious images of a 'dead extraterrestrial' revealed at a pay-per-view event. But are they really the smoking gun alien fans were hoping for?
Two photographs of a "dead alien" were unveiled at a big money event last night - and immediately dismissed as fake.
A series of 'UFOlogists' appeared at the Be Witness meeting last night to reveal images of an extraterrestrial who supposedly crashed to Earth during the infamous Roswell incident in 1947.
The images were found by former journalist Adam Dew, who reportedly turned down interviews with magazines that wanted to cover the story because "they were not offering any compensation".He claimed to have taken steps to verify the pair of alien snaps and said Kodak experts had dated the film to 1947.
But the rest of the world has not had the chance to test the rigour of his methods, because high resolution images of the alien are not yet available.
They are likely to be sold through his production company Dew Media alongside a documentary about the discovery of the slides.
The photos were supposedly found in Arizona, hidden in a collection of snaps owned by oil geologist Bernard Ray and his wife Hilda Ray, who have both died.
Nick Pope, a researcher who headed up a UFO investigation wing at the UK Ministry of Defence, told Mirror Online he was "underwhelmed".
"It could be a model, or it could simply be a fake image, dressed up to look like a Forties slide," he said.
"The motivations for hoaxing are complex. Some hoaxes are money-making scams, but sometimes it's just a desire to say 'we fooled the world'.
"I can understand why the UFO community is disappointed and conspiracy theorists are probably already claiming the whole thing was a government plot, designed to discredit the subject and
make it look ridiculous."
After the photographs were revealed, UFO spotters immediately took to Twitter to share screenshots of the snaps using the hashtag "#BeDisappointed".
Quelle: Daily Mirror
Was hat man erwartet? Es sind im Vorfeld immer die gleichen Herren sprich UFO-Promoter welche die Alien-Märchen am Leben erhalten um ihrer selbst willen im "restlichen UFO-Geschäft" zu verbleiben. Wenn dann nach künstlichen Herausziehen endlich die "traurigen Fakten" auf den Tisch kommen, ist gleich die Entschuldigung dabei, das es eigentlich ein großes Minus-Geschäft gewesen wäre. Was sind wir es Leid dieser Art von Ufologie in der Öffentlichkeit zu erleben, WANN kommt das Umdenken der Fan-Gemeinde, welche immer wieder an der Nase herum geführt werden?
Jagd diese UFO-Promoter in die Wüste von Roswell und glaubt ihnen kein Wort mehr!
Nach dieser Grusel-Show um versteinerte Mumien, hier ein Blick auf eine der vielen vergangenen Alien-Fotos aus dem CENAP-Archiv:
Alien aus Kanada, welcher in den 90ger selbst bei Bild landete und tatsächlich nur eine Wachspuppe von einer Ausstellung war und ursprünglich in der UFO-Publikation  "Orbiter" veröffentlicht wurde:

Mehr über Alien´s´in der Ufologen-Vergangenheit ist zu finden in dem Buch von Klaus Webner "Wesen aus dem Weltraum - Erste Dokumentation der Welt über fotografierte Ufonauten" von 1993 / ISBN 3-92 90 49-01-5
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