Raumfahrt - Phase I of Axiom’s Houston Spaceport design contract awarded to Jacobs



Phase I of the Houston Spaceport architecture and engineering design contract was awarded to Jacobs by Axiom Space. This 100,000 sq ft  facility will be developed on a 400 acre-site, located within Ellington Airport, at the heart of Space City. Axiom Space, the privately funded space infrastructure developer intends to use this new spaceport to achieve its goal of assembling the first commercial international space station and providing access to low Earth orbit. The company was approved by NASA last December to launch the world’s first commercial station, consisting of private crew members only that will travel to the International Space Station.

The new Houston Spaceport will serve as an assembly, integration and testing facility, which upon completion will become a hub for carrying out research work on microgravity experiments, manufacturing, commerce and  LEO economy in relation to low Earth orbit missions. Axiom Space says its vision is to demonstrate that commercial infrastructure space innovations are capable of offering unique ways of enhancing life on earth and likewise, promoting the advancement of space exploration by humans.

The Houston Spaceport project marks the beginning of building and outfitting spacecrafts in Houston

Matt Ondler, the Axiom Chief Technology Officer described the Houston Spaceport project as a historic moment for Axiom and the greater Houston area. Ondler pointed out that this would be the first time for a spacecraft to be constructed and outfitted in Houston and he said this new facility would provide the state with necessary infrastructural development to ramp-up operations and attract more aerospace job opportunities to the area. Ondler also mentioned that this project was not just about building the future generation of spacecraft, but it also entails consolidating  Houston as the commercial industry’s gateway of the U.S into space. 

The senior vice president of Jacobs, Ron Williams also spoke in favor of the  Houston Spaceport initiative, stating that this was a great example of a privately-funded infrastructure that would drive US leadership in space. Williams said his company was committed to providing integrated solutions that will enable the acceleration of commercial space operations in the  future.

Quelle: Construction Review Online

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