Raumfahrt - Zvezda soon to be able to manufacture spacesuit for Mars in 3-4 years


"At the moment, there is no work on the Martian spacesuit," press service of the company told


Russian Research & Development Production Enterprise Zvezda in the future will be able to produce a fundamentally new spacesuit for flights to Mars in three or four years, press service of the company told TASS.

"At the moment, there is no work on the Martian spacesuit. Some time ago, on our own initiative, we worked out a life support system on liquefied oxygen for the Martian spacesuit. We believe that by the time of a flight to Mars, fundamentally new materials and technologies will appear that allow to make a fundamentally new spacesuit in 3-4 years," the press service said.

Earlier SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, who plans to send the first colonists to Mars in the near future, presented a concept of the Martian spacesuit.

Quelle: TASS


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