Luftfahrt - Mega-Luftschiff Airlander in England vorgestellt


Das Airlander genannte Luftschiff kann nach Herstellerangaben bis zu drei Woche in der Luft bleiben und bis zu 60 Tonnen transportieren.

Das ist der neue König der Lüfte


Ist es ein Vogel? Ist es ein Flugzeug? Nein, es ist das größte Luftschiff der Welt. Mit dem "Airlander" ging in England ein neuer König der Lüfte vom Band. Der Heliumriese strotzt vor Superlativen.

In Großbritannien ist ein neuartiges Luftschiff vorgestellt worden, das laut seinem Hersteller über lange Zeit auf umweltfreundliche Weise große Lasten transportieren können soll. Das riesige Luftschiff, das an drei aneinander gefügte Zeppeline erinnert, wurde am Freitag in einem Hangar im mittelenglischen Cardington von der Herstellerfirma Hybrid Air Vehicles der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert. Ihren Angaben zufolge soll der mit Helium gefüllte Riese bis zu drei Wochen in der Luft bleiben und bis zu 60 Tonnen transportieren können.Das Airlander genannte Luftschiff, das mit 91 Metern noch länger als das russische Transportflugzeug Antonov An-225 ist, hat kurze Flügel und Rotoren als Antrieb. Es ist allerdings deutlich kleiner als der deutsche Zeppelin Hindenburg, der 244 Meter maß. Der Airlander wurde zunächst für das US-Militär entworfen, doch wurde der Auftrag nach Auslieferung des ersten Exemplars storniert. Die Herstellerfirma erhielt nun einen Staatskredit von 2,5 Millionen Pfund (drei Millionen Euro) und hat angekündigt, hunderte Luftschiffe bauen zu wollen.


Make sure you take this truly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

Win a pair of tickets to join our shareholder, Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson and a host of celebrities on this unique flight, complete with an invitation to our launch party*.

Our first passenger flight is scheduled to be in 2016. Join us on the maiden voyage over the skies of Bedfordshire and southern England in an entirely new type of aircraft.

The Airlander uses cutting edge materials and engineering, is environmentally friendly, innovative, and Britain at its best.

Its ground breaking technology will open up new capacities from delivering humanitarian aid to disaster zones with no runways, to opening up slow travel and unique ways of seeing our precious earth from the skies.

Quelle: Airlander

'World's longest aircraft' Airlander unveiled in Britain

LONDON: An airship-type vehicle billed by its makers as the world's longest aircraft currently in operation was unveiled in Britain on Friday.

The Airlander, which was originally developed for the US military, is 300 feet (91 metres) long, according its British maker Hybrid Air Vehicles.

The environmentally friendly helium-filled behemoth is designed to stay airborne for up to three weeks and can carry up to 60 tonnes, the company said.

It was shown off on Friday in a ..

LONDON: An airship-type vehicle billed by its makers as the world's longest aircraft currently in operation was unveiled in Britain on Friday.

The Airlander, which was originally developed for the US military, is 300 feet (91 metres) long, according its British maker Hybrid Air Vehicles.

The environmentally friendly helium-filled behemoth is designed to stay airborne for up to three weeks and can carry up to 60 tonnes, the company said.

It was shown off on Friday in a giant hangar in Cardington, central England, where great British airships of the past were built, including the ill-fated R101.

The R101 crashed in 1930 on its maiden voyage, killing 48 passenger and crew.

The new craft is longer than the current record holder, the Russian Antonov An-225, which is 84 metres long, and the Boeing 747-8, at 76 metres long.

But it is dwarfed by airships of the past such as the German zeppelin the Hindenburg, which was 244 metres long.

Filled with hydrogen, the Hindenburg famously crashed in the United States in 1937, killing 36 people.

The Airlander is essentially three streamlined airship-type bodies merged into one with wings and rotary engines.

It was built for the US military but the latter cancelled the contract after it was delivered.

Its makers, who have received a £2.5 million ($4.1 million, 3.0 million euro) British government grant, now say they intend to build hundreds of the aircraft.

British Business Secretary Vince Cable said the "innovative" craft "has the potential to lead the world in its field".
Quelle: ET
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